5 Books That Changed My Journey of Self-Discovery & Creativity

5 Books That Changed My Journey of Self-Discovery & Creativity

Hey there! You know how I’ve been on this rollercoaster ride of self-discovery and all? Well, I’ve gotta tell you about these five books that were like my road trip buddies through it all.

Each one reshaped my thinking in its own quirky way and pretty much hugged my soul.

Let’s dive into my literary therapy session, shall we?

Credit: Bloglovin'

Okay, so imagine being handed a flashlight to explore the caverns of your psyche, and boom, that’s this book.

Estés is like the wise aunt I never had, telling me stories about how every woman has this wild, powerful force inside her.

There was this moment, reading about the “La Loba” – the wolf woman who sings bones to life – and I’m like, “Heck, that’s me trying to piece myself together!” It’s all about embracing your inner wild woman and letting her howl.

Totally eye-opening.

Brené is basically the friend who sees you freaking out over a pimple and goes, “Girl, you’re a masterpiece, pimple and all.”

This book is a cosy blanket of words telling you it’s okay to be a glorious mess.

It’s like she gave me permission to stop trying to fit into those skinny jeans of perfection and instead, slip into the comfy sweatpants of being myself.

Life-changing? Absolutely.


“Untamed” is the pep talk you didn’t know you needed. Glennon Doyle is like, “Forget what the world expects, just be your fabulous self.”

It’s all about ditching the life you’re supposed to live for the one you want.

After reading this, I was ready to paint my life in my own colours, outside the lines and all.

It’s like she dared me to dream bigger and bolder.

Liz Gilbert took me on her eat-pray-love journey, and suddenly, my wanderlust wasn’t just about places but about exploring the continents within me.

From indulging in Italy’s pleasures to finding spiritual zen in India, and balancing it all in Indonesia – it was a reminder that life’s about savouring the pizza but also sitting in silence (and maybe doing both in Bali).

It’s the ultimate guide to finding yourself in a world that’s constantly trying to make you someone else.

Credit: Akers World

Then there’s “Big Magic,” which landed in my lap as a heartfelt gift from a dear friend who saw the creative spark in me that life was attempting to dim. Talk about timing, eh?

This book isn’t just a read; it’s a wake-up call from your mate who grabs you by the shoulders, looks you in the eye, and says, “Your creativity isn’t just a part of you; it IS you, so let it out!” Liz Gilbert became the voice of that friend, pushing me to explore my creativity without fear.

She talks about living a life fuelled by creativity and curiosity, not as a luxury but as a necessity for a soulful existence.

It was like she threw me a lifeline just when I was drowning in the ‘shoulds’ and ‘musts’ of daily life, reminding me that the magic of creativity is within me, waiting to be unleashed. Because of this book, I started to paint my world with bolder strokes, embracing the mess and the beauty of creating something that’s uniquely mine.

It’s not just a book; it’s a treasure chest that holds the key to unlocking the creative potential that we all have but often forget.

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